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IntelliJ IDE Testing Tools & Plugins

Test Data - IntelliJ IDE Plugin

  • Test Data can generate all sorts of randomized data including Text, UUID, Numbers, Date & Time, and Custom types such as popular ones like JSON, CSV, and SQL
  • The plugin adds a context action 'Test Data' to generate data

RestFulTool - IntelliJ IDE Plugin

  • RestFulTool offers a window to make REST API calls all from IDE
  • The plugin provides a bunch of tools for Restful Service development
  • It has great integration support for Spring MVC and Spring Boot

HTTP Client - IntelliJ IDE Plugin

  • HTTP Client helps to create, edit, and execute HTTP requests directly in the IntelliJ IDEA code editor.
  • It provides varies features like configuring env variable file with support for environments like dev, qa and live.
  • Please refer HowTo:HTTP Client - IntelliJ Plugin