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Useful Kubernetes Commands

Debugging Pod

  • Sometimes we may need to connect to a Kubernetes pod to perform simple tasks like executing simple commands, checking connectivity from pod to other networks, for such activities the below debug command really helps Developer who does not have much knowledge about Kubernetes
  • Check kubectl debug to know more
kubectl --cluster=<cluster name> -n <namespace> debug <targeted pod> --image=internal/koopa/toolbox-image:latest -it

Download secret file from Kubernetes

  • Sometimes we might save file in Kubernetes secrets e.g. client certificate, ssh keys, any encrypted files
  • We might need such files sometimes in our local machine for debugging or local development
  • These files might not be copied directly or downloadable directly from Kubernetes UI. In this case, the below command really helps to download as it is.
  kubectl --cluster=<cluster name> -n <namespace> get secrets "<name of the entry>" -o json | jq -r '.data."<key>"' | base64 -d > <desired target file name e.g. localhost.p12>

## Port Forwarding

- Sometimes we might need to debug a pod on Kubernetes for example testing configurations.
- Sometimes our local application might want to connect to particular Kubernetes pod, in these
  cases [Port Forwarding]( really helpful.

kubectl get pods -n <namespace> --cluster=<cluster name>

kubectl --cluster=<cluster name> -n <namespace> port-forward <intended pod> <local port 1>:<remote port 1 > ... <local port n>:<remote port n>